“The Path to Continuous Improvements.”
Service Description
Every business whether small, medium or large should have a sound Health & Safety Management System that flows effectively and smoothly. Especially if you are considering achieving your COR Certification. (Certificate of Recognition). Protecting your employees, contractors, customers and yourselves, should be the single most important objective of every single day. Whether on the job or home with family and MJM can assist you with developing a sound Health & Safety Management System which in turn, will create a positive company culture that values and promotes the highest standards of health and safety for its employees at all levels, while on “The path to continuous improvements.” • Provide a one hour, FREE, no obligation consultation to discuss OFIs identified from your submitted questionnaire and come up with a plan to address and solve those OFIs. (i.e. HS plan, HS manual, JHAs, ERP, Environmental manual) (if possible, as well as consentual, a tour of your facility which will provide a hands on view and insight) • Provide hands on insight and actual questions from an audit which will provide you the knowledge required to better prepare for an official COR audit. • Develop a plan to assist with improving and / or creating your company’s health and safety management system including; COR (Certificate of Recognition) preparation Health & Safety Manual, including a Health & Safety Policy Environmental Manual Daily Job Hazard Assessments (JHAs) Emergency Response Program and Plans Incident / Accident reporting Root Cause Analysis Joint Health and Safety Committee (with minutes)